The LTCCP. This jargon stands for the Long Term Council Community Plan. In short this is the most important document that Council produces and is only done once every three years. It tells you how Council will spend the money over the next 10 years on a variety of things from expensive capital works projects (tram extensions, new swimming pools and libraries, etc) to the operational levels of service (eg how often your street gets cleaned, what hours libraries and swimming pools are open, etc etc).
One item of concern in the draft LTCCP to me is the Council raising of on street car parking charges from $2.60 to $2.90 per hour. It is pure revenue raising and far too steep an increase for my liking. I’m all for public transport and alternative methods of getting to school and work but driving people out of the central city when they can park at malls for free seems like madness to me.
This really is the bible of Council spending over the next 10 years and as such it is important you make you views known on the draft version. Comment on what you like and what you don’t and also don’t be afraid to raise things that aren’t mentioned. Often in these documents it is what is not put in that is key. The draft version will be available from March 10th – April 16th for public submissions. (There will also be public meetings also which you can attend to learn more). Check the website for details.
Final message. I was fortunate to see Obama be sworn in as president in the motivated. A key theme to his speeches was that it is not up to someone else to sort out our problems, but that it is up to all of us to do what we can for our communities and our societies to find solutions. Everyone is important and everyone needs to be involved. Choice.